Let’s Work Together
![gold line](https://www.ixeeyalin.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/gold-line.jpg)
Create An Ecstatic Breakthrough
90 Day Private Somatic/Shamanic Mentorship
This is for the tender and brave who are calling in change!
Are you ready to reclaim your mystic power to feel more alive in your body, center in your spiritual potency,
gain access to extraordinary creative power and vitality?
Do you want to awaken your dormant spiritual powers?
These powers feed your essential personal power, full embodied pleasure and inner peace that
unfolds from saying yes to the deepest parts of your wisdom!
In this mentorship program we help you find these lost parts of yourself.
Losing yourself? this is Soul Loss and it can feel like…
Something you can’t quite put your finger on but you know it’s time to explore who you are… it’s time to make some changes?
Your body is armored by shame, shut down with guilt and invalidated by all the voices and myths of your culture?
It’s hard to trust your body and your emotions and make time for things you love, creative new endeavors or healthy living?
You achieved all your goals and dreams but still feel unsatisfied and lost?
The modern culture has not been kind to your body. It has not made space to allow you to slow down and listen beyond logic and practicality or notice the messages of your emotions. From an early age, you were told to pluck this, shave that, comb this, trim that… if you wanted to be loved and accepted. Your body was poked and prodded and pushed into shapes and molds so that it could be better accepted. Deep down, you internalized this implicit rejection. This wilts the soul and results in losing these parts of ourselves. I know how it can feel, being sensitive, being bombarded living in a fast paced world, it’s like being rejected… when your heart begins to ache with the sense that you don’t belong in this world.
This 1 on 1 package is a way to feel a sense of belonging. Begin waking up a deeper connection to your body and your emotional spiritual intelligence to bring aspects of your life back to life so living each day feels more meaningful, sacred and fun.
I’ve been there too. That’s how I got here. I had to stop. Actually my body made me stop. My body would not take another step till I learned a new way to live.
It’s super frustrating isn’t it… to feel so much potential but feel like your gifts are being wasted and you can’t get over the hump to Activate it. Live it. Share it.
Before my breakthrough I spent years feeling like I didn’t belong here, healing years of abuse and triggers in my body and psyche… that lost soul self made me feel like I wasn’t safe to be in my body or in the world. All that grief and anger energy goes somewhere. In my body it balled up in my ovaries.
Where is the pain living in your body?
You can emerge from the murky waters of your past or your most recent descent into burnout transformed if you choose to.
This new approach to life brought my life back to life in ways I could never have imagined. Its a new rooted power and inspired mindset that awakens from a weaving of the timeless wild divine medicine of the feminine healing arts. It is pretty awesome to discover you have the power within to turn pain,
a nightmare situation, a dead libido, into a doorway to true freedom, vitalized pleasure and a clear renewed mission. .
Are you ready?
To face your fears and shadows to turn them into wisdom
To honor and support your emotions and talents
To learn to listen to your body and intuition
To make those choices that lead you to vitality and breakthroughs
Petals of Transformation Modules
This is a personalized program customized just for you.
Body Love and Liberation Self Care is number one to access and nourish your inner temple (that’s where the potent energy of your womb or Hara lives,) and personal power, access your dance and your voice so you can feel effective, liberated from the victim mindset and welcome your soul home to feel confident in the world.
Permission to Explore your Wild Creative side so you really get to know the wisdom and gifts living inside you. This is when the dots get connected and life gets more fun and inspired. Yes we are dancing, singing and drawing! And yes you can!
Clear the imprint and harvest the wisdom of stubborn core wounds so you don’t have to live in fear of your shadow bubbling up. You will come to know how to face challenges when they arise without getting emotionally derailed or reactive.
Discover more about what you truly love and want so your manifesting process is playful, smooth and direct. Motivation happens naturally when we discover your true desires and your why! Expressive arts tools for retelling your empowered story and mission.
Awaken your spiritual side and learn to access and create relationships with your spirit guides, ancestors and the systems of divine light within you so you feel support at every turn of your life. Sacred geometry meditations and yoga are amazing allies.
Meet the power of the earth, seasons, stars, moon cycles and the plants as your personal power and medicine for daily and seasonal nourishment. The earth and stars gives you a blueprint for a more interconnected life that puts you in touch with a deeper meaning for living. Yes! Your Clear Divine Purpose is written in the Stars!
Your 1 on 1 Program includes :
- A Shamanic Soul Retrieval Healing/Reading to bring your soul home and get you guidance on what your soul needs to re-activate and thrive in balance within you.
- A 60 minute discovery call. This is a follow up to your Soul Retrieval to share vital spiritual guidance and help you set your goals and intentions for this breakthrough round.
- 6 / 90 min Private 1 on 1 Breakthrough sessions with Ixeeya on live zoom to go deep into what is blocking you. This is where we dive into the “mud” bring your body and soul mission back to life. A potent sacred space for deep somatic practice.
- 3 Golden Thread Transformational Vision Quests we prepare you for these monthly self guided journeys for your off weeks from our 1 on 1s to strengthen your sovereignty.
Nourishing Support along your Journey …
Homeplay practices between sessions to weave your breakthroughs into daily living.
Short video clips and worksheets between sessions on topics and practices relevant and supportive to your breakthrough process.
Invite to an exclusive online body earth centered personal growth community discussion group.
Access to my weekly Embodiment Class supportive movement medicine, healing breath along with reflection of heart centered sisterhood.
Completing your Journey…
- Empowering Lotus Love Closing Ritual Session with Ixeeya to Claim the new YOU! This is a live zoom session or if you’re local we can discuss an in person.
- NOW WHAT 45 min Integration and closing live zoom session.
1 bonus “anytime” mini session for emergency support.
My favorite! New Moon Queen Ritual to reconnect with your true sensual power and authentic self love.
My Private and beloved herbal recipes for your relaxing foot baths, healing tea and sensual yoni steam to soothe and open stiffness and pain.
*The program has a general structure but is personalized with your intentions, life cycle, and goals.
I believe you have arrived here for a reason.
You have extraordinary healing and manifesting power within you.
The blocks and pain can be doorways to your new beginning and most potent breakthrough yet.
Is it your time?
Time to leap toward a new creative path of being truly YOU.
Click Here To Begin… Set up your free 20 min discovery call.
These sessions fill up quickly.
Fill out the application and we will get you in as soon as we can!