Hello, I’m Ixeeya,
…a global embodiment teacher, shamanic healer, ceremonial artist, and womens wellness coach
dedicated to helping you come home to your body, spiritually reconnect with the earth
to attune to your personal mission with new meaning and vitality.
After getting my start in as an international artist, muralist and dance teacher with a focus on community building, an accident that left me brain injured, facing my own demons, bringing me face to face with the global indiginous paths of earth centered healing. After years of apprenticeship and training I slowly found myself taking my place as a shamanic healer and ritual dance guide to help us remember our creative, life giving connections we can have with our body, the earth and the plants.
My “Sacred Symbol Body and Sound Map” was born and utilized in helping women prepare for the fullness of life when we say YES to this creative process.
I became a speaker and ceremonial guide for seasonal ritual and divine feminine advocacy to bring more access to feminine wisdom to our world. I spent a decade helping women around the world reclaim their body as sacred, helping them conceive, give birth, renew from abuse, reclaim their dignity, believe in themselves again, take creative risks and step onto the path of their dreams.
I then went on a profound personal journey into the depths of death. When the death of my father, a teacher, a lover, a pregnancy, a friend, and my fertility culminated in a year of loss and deep personal transformation, revealing that it was indeed time to take pause and listen. I traveled to momma ocean and let myself fall apart. For years this shamanic “PHD program” lingered delivering me into a new life cycle, teaching me the depth of what the feminine really needs at this time. From the ashes of my former self my understanding and commitment to supporting women through underworld journeys and death cycles grew. I formulated my W.O.M.B. Dance body of work for women to dive deep into grief, loss and reset whole and empowered. After being fully present with these teachings of life and death, today I hold space and coach women leaders, healers and teachers how to incorporate embodied, seasonal, earth and womb centered divine feminine practice into their work, how to honor death as a vital part of living and ancestral work essential to our wellbeing. We work together to help you give death to what is complete, find true sources of power and energy, reorganize your mindset and stories to create more meaning and authentic intentions that set a new healthy and true chapter in motion.
I mentor the next generation of women stepping into this new niche we formulated years ago for them to take on for our planet. To me this is the most worthwhile service we can offer our planet right now, the offering of feminine healing, and earth centered awareness and empowerment, a form of wellness, a path of healing, a mission with purpose and transformative qualities the world needs.
As a committed guide and teacher, my goal is simple: to create safe space for you to remember who you truly are, give you permission to take the time to heal what is calling out now and to empower you to transform your story and path forward with the gifts of the wild divine feminine wisdom of our planet. My approach is rooted in the desire to help you as a daughter of the earth to reorganize your mind and body, to see and live your own embodied spiritual potential — regardless of whatever stands in your way.
I welcome you to reach out, to get started on your creative path
of remembering, healing, transformation and creation.
I am available for mentorship and guest teaching and speaking.
Click Here to Schedule a Free Initial Consult to see if we are a match to work together